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Radio Sales Development


Welcome to ZAP Media's Radio Sales page.  Here you will find digital packages that can be combined with a radio schedule.

gra on air marketing


Below are package outlines based on the following advertising strategies:


1. Local Reach


2. Brand Awareness


3. Engagement


4. Lead Generation


5. Brand Loyalty



Radio sales teams should also check out our Radio Sales Resource platform with 


Sales sheets can be provided with your branding, rates, and information.




 1. Local Reach Based Campaign

  • SEO Starter Package including a new website.
  • Professional assessment of your SEO needs.
  • Addition/Revamp on 2 of the top online business directories - Google and Bing.

Zero-in on a local audience with your radio advertising and then do the same with your website and local online business listings.

You will receive a new website that is optimized for SEO and local search, with hosting and support for the first year.

Your business will be set up (or revamped) on Google and Bing business listings.

Instant access to our SEO/SEM expert, and receive a free evaluation with suggestions for developing your SEO/SEM plan into the future.

Radio ads should focus on local and top of mind awareness while also encouraging the 'search terms' outlined in the SEO plan.


THE GOAL of this package is to combine efforts on-air and on-line, to focus on local, and to generate keyword top of mind awareness with people and search bots.


SEO Package: $1,800

Radio: Set a radio schedule and budget that focuses on local reach


Retention Strategy: Prepare to move to package 2 or 3 below



2. Brand Awareness Campaign

  • Work with our professional copywriters and graphic designers to launch a branding campaign
  • Receive a graphics package for your social media channels, 4 pre-made articles, and web banners
  • Receive a Full HD Logo Reveal video

Establish your brand and imaging with crisp new graphics and bold messaging for your on-air and social media presence.

Receive a Full HD video animation of your logo to be used at the beginning of your videos, a video pre-roll, or wherever you like.

We'll give you 4 blog-style articles that can be used on your website, social media, or newsletters.

A graphics package will be developed for your social media header images and posts, and a similar design for 4 display advertising web banners.

Running a campaign of web banners on the same radio station's properties, where your on-air ads are running, is a great way to solidify your brand in the minds of a station's core audience.

Radio ads should focus on brand awareness with attention to the copy being used consistently across radio and web applications.


THE GOAL of this package is to give you a bold and professional image with clear messaging, including on-air, the radio station's web properties, and your own social channels.


Digital Package: $450

Radio: Set a radio schedule and budget for brand awareness, also budget for 25-50K banner impressions and/or video pre-roll


Retention Strategy: Prepare to move to package 3 below, or run this package again with updated and/or seasonal messaging - for further growth.



3. Engagement Campaign

  • Combine the power of radio, social media, email and contesting.
  • Contest page, setup, and execution with email subscription option
  • Web Ad Banners and eBlast Ad Banner

Bring your #1 fans to the surface with an online contest.  If you haven't already started a subscriber list, this is a great way to do it!

Receive a done-for-you social media friendly contest setup and/or an email subscription based contest (we'll set you up if you haven't started email marketing).

If you already have a newsletter subscriber list, great!  We can work with your current platform to create a fun and engaging contest strategy that will grow your audience.

If you want to grow your social media followers, we can do that too!  We even help set up the rules and regulations, and handle the technical side of the contest execution.

Receive a set of 4 web ad banners to run on the radio station's website, and 1 eBlast banner to reach the station's subscribers (monthly limits/rates may apply).

We'll give you 4 pre-built social media posts with graphics, that you can edit and use to promote your contest.

Use your Radio Schedule to encourage listeners to seek you out online to enter your contest, reinforcing the call to action with a web banner campaign - reaching the most dedicated fans.


THE GOAL of this package is to attract more fans to your business while activating your current audience, and to capture these active users for the purpose of future direct marketing.


Web Setup: $600

Radio: Set a budgets for radio, banner impressions, and eblast banner.


Retention Strategy: Rinse, revamp, and repeat and/or move to package 4 below.



 4. Lead Generation Campaign

  • Combine Radio, Social Media, and Digital Marketing to drive leads.
  • Professional assessment for a long-term digital strategy.
  • Well-rounded setup of the online necessities.

This package begins with an assessment of your current digital integrations and efforts, and your audience, then provides a comprehensive strategy guide to help you convert leads.

You'll receive a custom sales funnel web contact page to encourage visitors to take the next step with you, hosted by us or we can work with your current website.

A LinkTree will be set up for you and we'll help you implement it on your social media profiles and buttons, essentially bridging all of your platforms' touch-points.

If you already have a newsletter marketing strategy we'll give it a review and make any suggestions. If you don't already have email subscribers we'll get you started.

Get help and support with Facebook/Meta For Business tools like - ads, boosting posts, online store integration, business page setup, messenger integrations, and more.

We will develop 4 blog-type articles or social media posts, with images/graphics, that entertain, educate, and pull readers into your sales funnel.

You will receive 4 web ad banners to run on the radio station's website, alongside your radio ads.

A radio schedule should focus on brand awareness with an emphasis on where to find you, ie: website address, social media @username(s), search for 'business name', location.


THE GOAL of this package is to ensure website visitors, social network followers, subscribers, radio listeners, and anyone else that finds you, has a clear path to connect with you.


Digital Services & Assets: $600

Radio: Set budgets for radio and banner ad impressions.


Retention Strategy: Alternate between packages 3 and 4 to refine the sales funnel and keep your audience engaged, while taking notes to develop a brand loyalty campaign (below).



 5. Brand Loyalty Campaign

  • A 100% custom made-for-you strategy and setup
  • A radio and online campaign that speaks to your most loyal customers

If you are not already using some or all of the 1-4 packages above, we would suggest starting with a couple of them before we take this step together.

Brand loyalty is, of course, particular to each brand and requires a full assessment of your brand and an exploration of your strengths and weaknesses in order to forge the best path forward.

Presuming you've done your homework, if you are ready to talk about brand loyalty, our team of experts in radio and web are ready to put our heads together to do something truly special for your most loyal customers.